0xPandemic in game rewards explained
We are going to cover here 0xPandemic $AMINO rewards.
First of all, right now the only way for $AMINO to be created, is by activating or staking Labs. 95% of the initial 8888 labs will be owned by the community (check our Litepaper for more details).
There is a maximum amount of $AMINO that will be created per day, and it is distributed equally among all active Labs. The maximum amount of $AMINO created is 60,000/day.
Note: There are bonuses that can be applied on top of that number, but we will go over that in a different post.
A day in 0xpandemic is actually divided in Periods, or Epochs. Currently, the length of a Period is 4 hours, which means that there are 6 periods per day.
A laboratory will get rewards only for the number of full periods that it has been activated, meaning that the period when it was activated will not give any rewards, because it was not active for the whole length of the period.
When a Lab is activated it is immediately considered part of the total activated Labs number, even if it will not receive rewards for that period. That means that as soon as a Lab is activated, the existing activated Labs will get slightly lower rewards, hence less $AMINO is generated that period. At the start, that number could have a bigger impact, but when there are enough Labs activated, it will quickly become almost irrelevant.
$AMINO is a deflationary token, which means that the supply of it will be reduced over time.
Note: $AMINO will be used for most critical actions in 0xPandemic. Being minting and evolving viruses the most important ones at this point.
As mentioned earlier, the max supply for activating Labs is 60,000 $AMINO/day. But that amount will be reduced over time to avoid an excessive amount of $AMINO floating out there.
The $AMINO reduction or halving happens every 540 periods or in other words: ~90 days. The supply is reduced by 15% every time a halving happens. In an image, the supply over time looks like this:
As we can see, after ~6 months, the rewards are reduced by ~30%.
The activating or staking rewards will be cut in half after the staking engine has been running for about ~1 year and a half. In 3 years, the $AMINO generation will be ~10040/day (~16%) and after 5 years, the rewards will be roughly 4.5% of what they were on the day 1.
All this process is done automatically by the staking smart contract. There is no need for any manual intervention from the team or players side.
There is an edge case: if a Lab has pending unclaimed rewards from a few periods back and when it tries to claim them, a halving is triggered, the rewards reduction will be applied to the total amount of $AMINO unclaimed rewards for that Lab, even if part of them were produced in periods previous to the halving that is about to become active. That is another reason to claim rewards often! Particularly when a halving is about to kick in.
Synthesizing $AMINO by activating Labs is a good risk-free way to generate resources, especially right after our pre-sale is available. The rewards will be split between all participants. $AMINO is a deflationary token and the maximum supply of it is reduced by 15% every ~90 days when a halving happens.
Note: These parameters may slightly change as we gather more user data. We need to use our feedback/data/experience in order to improve the game.
For more clarifications, questions of feedback, join our Discord channel and see you at the #Staking channel!